Prepare for your Uber analytics exam with a full practice test
32 comprehensive questions that mimic the real test.
Pass the test or your money back.

Update: Good news! All of my materials are updated to reflect changes included in v3.1 of the Uber test.
Interviewing with Uber and want to practice for the analytical test? I don't blame you. The prospect of an analytical interview is nerve-wracking, and there isn't much information out there on what to expect.
I know how scary it is to go into an exam like this one blind. A job at Uber is the opportunity of a lifetime, and you want to be confident that you can pass the test with flying colors walking in.
That's why I created this complete practice exam to help you prepare. With 32 full-length questions that mirror the actual Uber test, it's the perfect resource to get you ready for the big day.
Here's the best part: now it only costs $49. That's a tremendously low price considering how big of an impact preparing well for this exam could have on your career!
But it gets even better...
My guarantee
I'm so confident you'll pass the test after taking this practice exam that if you don't, I'll give you your money back.
Here's how it works: download the practice test, read through it, and use it to prepare for your interview. On the rare chance that you don't pass your test, you'll get an e-mail from your Uber recruiter letting you know. Forward me that e-mail, and I will refund 100% of the cost — no questions asked. You don't have to return anything — just let me know and I'll issue a refund.
It's literally that easy. If you don't pass the test, I don't get paid.
With zero risk on your end, you can't afford to pass up this critical preparation for one of the most important tests you'll ever take.
What's inside
The Complete Uber Analytics Practice Test contains a full-length practice test and detailed, step-by-step answer key in a 100+ page .pdf and 2 real-world .csv analysis files. Here's what you'll find inside:
- 28 detailed quantitative questions that mimic the actual Uber exam...
- 4 short-answer essay questions and tips for composing your essays during the live test...
- 2 .csv files to use in your analysis — just like the ones you'll get from Uber...
- A detailed answer key with step-by-step walkthroughs of how to answer each question...
- Plus... 10 bonus questions to test your critical thinking, quantitative, modeling, and digital marketing skills...
Here's a detailed overview of the table of contents:
.CSV files
Two real-world .csv files to analyze using Excel — modeled after ones you might receive in your actual Uber test
Quantitative questions
28 challenging quantitative questions, many of which utilize the .csv files provided for analysis
Essay questions
Four long- and short-answer essay questions that focus on real-life Uber business challenges, as well as 5+ bonus essay questions that have appeared on tests in the past
Bonus questions
Ten bonus questions to test your critical thinking and quantitative skills further, 5 of which are modeled directly after challenges found in v3.1 of the Uber exam
Detailed answer key
Detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to solve each of the challenges posed during the practice test, including Excel screenshots and bundled .xlsx answer files, where applicable
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What they're saying
I've had great feedback from many happy customers who have passed the Uber exam with the help of my practice test. Here's what a few of them have to say:
"Your material is great and definitely helped me prepare for the test. The guide and practice test were beyond helpful in practicing the Excel commands, and very easy to understand."
"Your help on the essay questions was priceless. Thanks again!"
"I've been admitted to the next step of Uber process! Your guide was very useful and the questions were very similar to what I studied in your test. Thank you!!"
"This gave me the confidence boost I needed heading into the test. I passed! And I'd highly recommend your materials to others applying for jobs at Uber."
Sample question
Still not convinced? Here's a sample question straight from the 'Bonus Questions' section (this sample question doesn't use the two .csv files provided). See if you can figure out the answer — then, download the practice test for more questions like this one and a full, detailed answer key!
Practice question
Which of the following is the best metric to measure utilization of UberRUSH drivers in a given period of time?
- Time on Trip / Supply Hours
- aETA / pETA
- Products Delivered / Total Products Available
- None of the above is a good metric to measure UberRUSH utilization
Ready to get started?
It's time to take your test prep to the next level! Download the practice exam today — you owe it to yourself to prepare with the best.
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Ready to get started?
Pick your package
Practice Test Only
- Over 40 challenging practice questions
- 2 .CSV files
- Detailed answer key
Premium Package
- Over 40 challenging practice questions
- 2 .CSV files
- Detailed answer key
- Bonus Excel Practice Test with 50 additional Excel questions
- PivotTable Mastery video course with crucial skills to learn
- Uber Interview Guide included for free!